Sunday, May 8, 2011

carmelo anthony and amare stoudemire knicks wallpaper

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  • matticus008
    Mar 20, 09:01 PM
    As I understand it, the issue of using music in your wedding video has nothing to do with breaking DRM, but instead with violating copyright. Even you get the music off of a CD, it would still be illegal.

    That was a poor example, I admit. The wedding video situation is fairly complicated, depending on whether you're selling the video (which doesn't seem to be the case) and on the manner in which the song is used. If the song is played in the background by a DJ and it winds up in your video, there's not really an issue. Putting it in in the editing process would fall under fair use for private viewing, but because it's something you're sending out, I can't say off the top of my head whether this is also fair use. You are protected under the law for making mix tapes and CDs, even if you give them away in small numbers. If you make a wedding video and send out two or three copies, I believe this is still considered private viewing. If you send out the video to more than a handful of wedding guests, then you are redistributing and have to obtain permission.

    carmelo anthony and amare stoudemire knicks wallpaper. carmelo anthony knicks
  • carmelo anthony knicks

  • Full of Win
    Apr 20, 11:02 PM
    Apple didn't want to release the iPhone 3G until the 3G network was well diverse around America, and the world. There are a lot of major countries internationally who don't even have LTE networks ready, so i think any expectations of an LTE should be from a 2012 iPhone.

    They did not release it with the 1st generation model because the 3G chipset at the time took too much power. At least this was the reason given at the time.

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  • lots of amare stoudemire

  • skunk
    Mar 27, 07:22 PM
    What does "anti-gay" mean? Is it a vague synonym for "homophobic?"Nothing "vague" about it.

    I agree: There's a place for that kind of therapy. I even know people who felt conflicted about their sexual orientation. Unfortunately, the conflict caused them some of the severest emotional pain I could imagine.In all probability made much worse by listening to people like you sermonising them with absolutely unfounded and hateful rubbish for the good of their benighted souls.

    So skunk is talking about legal rights.Skunk is talking about equal treatment under the law.

    carmelo anthony and amare stoudemire knicks wallpaper. Carmelo Anthony Knicks Jersey:
  • Carmelo Anthony Knicks Jersey:

  • iGary
    Aug 29, 04:28 PM
    I know where you're coming from, but surely it's a good thing to try and get the companies we use to improve their environmental policy? If Dell does recycle more than Apple, then maybe Apple should recycle more. If Apple's stuff lasts longer, Dell should make their stuff last longer. And yes, at the same time, we should be putting pressure on companies to reduce food packaging and use less power and fuel. I don't really see it as a competition between companies, more that if one company does something environmentally better than another, the other should try and match it, you know?

    My point is that Greenpeace would be far better served educating the public how to help. They get even 10% of the world's population to make some radical changes in their lives and the changes to the planet would be amazing.

    I agree corporations need to set examples and do teh best they can. I don't think its where environmentalists should be pointing fingers.

    You , me and everyone else are the biggest polluters.

    I'm as guilty as teh next guy. Nothing stopping me from peddling a mile up the street to Trader Joe's tonight for my dinner. Except laziness. :D

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  • carmelo anthony and amare

  • pmz
    Mar 18, 09:14 AM
    Wait, you have evidence that AT&T has zero evidence?

    Didn't think so.

    For all you know, they're doing the same deep-packet inspections on their data network that wired broadband providers have been doing for years.

    Oh, is that in the contract too? Is that legal? NOPE.

    All it would take is one class action lawsuit to destroy everything this company has done for 5 years.

    carmelo anthony and amare stoudemire knicks wallpaper. Carmelo+anthony+knicks+
  • Carmelo+anthony+knicks+

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 14, 11:50 AM
    "China syndrome", not "Japan" syndrome.

    Silly boy, the Earth's magma would swallow that 'little' pill with no problem.

    And gravity has yet to go up. :p LOL

    carmelo anthony and amare stoudemire knicks wallpaper. CARMELO ANTHONY KNICKS 2011

  • barkmonster
    Oct 7, 04:19 PM
    I emailed this to rob-art morgan on Saturday :

    I know the test was to find out how similarly clocked G4, Athlon and Pentium 4 chips perform but I was wondering if it was possible for you to test against the 2 fastest Intel and AMD chips ?

    The price of both a 2Ghz Pentium 4 and 1.6Ghz Athlon PC put's it in the same range as the entry level eMac and that's assuming the PC is built using high quality drives and components. This is true for the UK at least.

    I'd suggest the following systems, I don't know the details of motherboards or specific RAM configurations but going off cpu speed and the fastest availble RAM for the systems these 3 configurations would make for a fair "high end mac" vs "high end PC" comparison :

    Dual 1.25Ghz, stock HD, stock graphics card, 1Gb of 333Mhz DDR SDRAM, OS 10.2.1

    Athlon XP 2200+, 7200 rpm HD, same video card as the mac, 1Gb of 333Mhz DDR SDRAM, Windows XP Professional

    2.8Ghz Pentium 4, 7200 rpm HD, same video card as the mac, 1Gb of 533Mhz RDRAM, Windows XP Professional

    He responded with this :

    That's a great suggestion. I'll try to get that arranged.

    In the mean time, I'm working on a Pentium 4 2.53MHz + GeForce4 Ti 4600 versus G4 1.25GHz *2 + GeForce4 Ti (4600) comparo.

    I can just see the look of disappointment on everyone's faces when the dual 1.25Ghz mac is slapped silly by both windows systems at practically everything.

    Call me a pesimist but concidering how it's scrapped by when compared with lower end cpus I can see a thorough G4 thrashing coming up on barefeats very soon.

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  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 09:40 AM
    Ignorance of the law and/or terms of the contract does not equal being vindicated.

    Good luck with that. There's really nothing else for me to add. If you want to rant, post and have your go at a lawsuit - go for it. Have fun. Just don't expect to win.

    PS - just because you keep stating things as fact doesn't make it fact. Good luck with that too.

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  • amare stoudemire welcome

  • steve_hill4
    Jul 12, 06:04 AM
    they'll be priced about in line with comparable systems. but that ain't cheap. I priced a dell precision workstation with dual xeon 5160 (3ghz woodcrest), 4GB 533 mhz DDR2 FB-DIMM RAM (apple may just use 667, only $50 more for the 4 gigs) , 2x500GB SATA 3gbps HD, 512mb Quadro FX 4500, no monitor, speakers etc. and it came out to just shy of $7800.

    I then went on the apple store site, built a PM G5 quad with 4GB ECC 533mhz DDR2 SDRAM (4x1gb) which is not as expensive as FBDIMM memory, 2x500GB Sata HDDs (but i think sata 1.5gbps not 3.0), quadro FX 4500, and so on and it came out to a tad over $7000, just shy of $7300 when you add applecare in, since the dell workstation has an included 3 year plan.
    See a huge price difference between your systems here and what stock Mac Pros will include. Almost certainly they will contain a single gig of ram, 256MB graphics and maybe a 300GB HDD. All you described will still be BTO.

    As for Woodcrest, I was speaking to our Apple rep yesterday and he seemed in agreeance that they would have at least one quad, meaning Woodcrest, (he doesn't have access to official information, but seemed to agree he would be surprised if anything else was in the top end). Apple have also recently placed orders with Intel in preperation for WWDC, (which he seemed to confirm Apple will release the Mac Pro then, as if we were ever in doubt).

    My predictions will be as follows:

    MacBook - sticks with Yonah until probably MWSF, speed bumps in time for Christmas.

    MacBook Pro - Merom as soon as possible, possibly WWDC.

    Mac Mini - Yonah for now, Merom once iMac has been updated with new processors. Try to maintain sales as long as possible on cheaper chips.

    iMac - Conroe. I know people will say heat, noise etc, but if Apple can do it for a similar price and similar style to the G5, they must do.

    Mac xPress - Just put that name for fun, but not sure what it would be called. Conroe anyway and system is cheaper, smaller, lower spec Mac. Pretty much a headless iMac, maybe slightly higher spec for slightly lower price, (no display remember), maybe even a model starting just above the Mini in price. True cube replacement. Look out for it possibly at MWSF.

    Mac Pro - Woodcrest in both single and double processors. Conroe would offer similar performance for the singles, but not sure if Apple would mix like that. Possibly dual socket motherboard in all, but single processor allowing later upgrade. WWDC announces G5 PowerMac available until 2nd half 2007 in limited supplies, (for those using apps not yet universal/still a mixture os OSX and classic).

    xServe - Woodcrest. Nothing more to be said.

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  • matticus008
    Mar 19, 01:29 PM
    But can a user be considered to be a party to that agreement if they have not used iTunes to access the store - does the purchasing process still involve an agreement approval stage using this software? Presumably not.

    Yes. By signing up for an account to use the iTunes Music Store, you are bound to their terms of service. Those terms only appear in the official iTunes client because that's the only source for the music. Just because those terms don't pop up on the screen if you use this PyMusique thing doesn't mean you aren't responsible for knowing. For example, if you do not receive a bill in the mail for your credit card, you are still responsible for making the payment and paying any late fees--it is your responsibility as the borrower to make the appropriate payment on time. By using the service, you are implicitly agreeing to the terms of service and use, including Apple's rights to prosecute (should they choose to) for your violation of those terms (i.e. using a non-approved client application). This is enforceable; whether Apple chooses to do anything about it remains unclear.

    Also enforceable is the DMCA violation (and yes, it is a violation, because you are BYPASSING technology designed to secure DRM). Even though you paid for the songs, you also paid for the license for that song (which includes DRM), and you are breaking encryption by bypassing it. Walking through a hole in a fence is still trespassing, whether you made the hole or not. Again, from a legal perspective, this is a punishable violation.

    I'm not saying that I like having my digital music locked down more vigorously than a CD I buy. But there are logical reasons for doing so. Namely, that the digital version, if un-DRMed, can be copied and transmitted with no special software or effort. If I want to share a CD, I have to burn a copy (requiring hardware and software) or extract the audio digitally and transmit it. Digital music does all that for you, and Apple's DRM gives you appropriate fair use rights. The DRM is designed to prevent casual copying that results in lower license sales.

    You don't own the music you've bought, and you don't have any legal right to redistribute it because your license does not allow it. Should you be able to use it on any type of device you choose? Yes. Does DRM prevent that from happening? Often, also yes. Can you choose a different format that works with all devices (standard MP3 imported from a CD)? Yeah, but not on purchased iTunes music. Until DRM and file format technology becomes standardized, you have to deal with "early adopter syndrome" in a volatile market, which can result in purchases not being universally compatible (betamax/VHS/laser disc/DVD anyone?). Make a choice that works for you.

    By purchasing AAC with Apple's DRM, you are choosing a file format with known and public limitations that will only work with a specific combination of hardware and software. You chose the delivery platform; you can't buy Windows software and then complain that it doesn't work on your Mac without buying it again. That's the way business works. Of course it would be fantastic if buying a license of Office for my PC gave me a corresponding license for all the other computer platforms I use, but that's not the case. Even say, Dreamweaver, which gives you Mac and PC installers, is only licensed to be used on one of the computers. I can install it on both, but that doesn't make it right or legal, even if I think that Macromedia is horrible (which I do).

    In conclusion, breaking or bypassing DRM, while understandable on a basic level for getting compatibility with everything, is against the law. Using tools to do this which violate the iTMS terms of service is also a legal violation. The best way out of this situation is to support a universal standard that ensures compatibility with all devices and file formats. DRM isn't going away, and it shouldn't. But it should also not work against honest customers who just want iTunes songs to play on their Rio. Long post, my apologies.

    carmelo anthony and amare stoudemire knicks wallpaper. Carmelo Anthony Knicks: xin
  • Carmelo Anthony Knicks: xin

  • KnightWRX
    May 2, 12:45 PM
    What makes you think MacOS X still contains directory traversal vulnerabilities that were reported in 2005? Do you really think MacOS X hasn't included the known fixes that were added six years ago? Opening a zip file on MacOS X _is_ safe. Of course that zip file can contain malware, which will then by on your Mac, exactly as if you had downloaded it directly. You still have to start the malware yourself, and you will still be asked by the OS if you really, really want to run the malware.

    You and I have different meanings of safe. Opening a zip file that contains malware and then popping-up an installer without user intervention is hardly what I call safe.

    Heck, auto-opening any kind of file is wrong as far as a proper security policy goes.

    I wasn't talking about directory traversal. Just simple absolute Paths. You can make them using the -jj option to zip. This will store the full volume and path information and if you use unzip to extract the archive, it will try to place the file in that location on the system where you're unarchiving to.

    Fortunately, it seems this is not what this is doing as Archive Utility does not honor absolute paths in a zip (I tested and confirmed it after someone came in earlier and spoke up about it), so something else is amiss here. Some people around other forums are suggesting that Archive Utility will automatically execute a .pkg if it is contained in an archive. Now that is unsafe if it is the case.

    carmelo anthony and amare stoudemire knicks wallpaper. carmelo anthony new york
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  • iliketyla
    Apr 20, 07:30 PM
    I don't mind that you have a different opinion, you just represent that opinion badly.

    So should someone else represent my opinion for me?

    I'm having a hard time understanding how I can represent my own personal opinion poorly.

    carmelo anthony and amare stoudemire knicks wallpaper. Carmelo+anthony+knicks+
  • Carmelo+anthony+knicks+

  • Gelfin
    Mar 24, 07:40 PM
    It is also quite unpopular to be a member of the KKK. Shall we similarly go out of our way to show compassion and tolerance for their most deeply held convictions? Or am I perhaps being cruel and unfair to the guy in the sheet when I call him an a-hole and suggest he shape up his attitude or don't act surprised when civilized human beings don't like him very much.

    Citing "religious or moral" reasons to be especially down on homosexuality invites an automatic ten-yard penalty for hypocrisy, because the ratio of religious vitriol to actual scriptural proscription is higher for this issue than for any other. People don't have a problem with gay people because their religion tells them to. They have a problem with gay people because they're run-of-the-mill prejudiced human beings, just like people who are prejudiced over any other identity issue, and they look to their religion to excuse them for it.

    carmelo anthony and amare stoudemire knicks wallpaper. West All-Star Carmelo Anthony
  • West All-Star Carmelo Anthony

  • mdriftmeyer
    Aug 29, 02:34 PM
    Where is SUN? Brother, Samsung, Kodak, Minolta, SONY, etc?

    I don't see any Television manufacturers? Philips? JVC? etc?

    carmelo anthony and amare stoudemire knicks wallpaper. Amare Stoudemire and Carmelo
  • Amare Stoudemire and Carmelo

  • citizenzen
    Apr 24, 10:03 AM
    Intelligence has something to do with it.

    Liberals and Atheists Smarter? Intelligent People Have Values Novel in Human Evolutionary History, Study Finds

    ScienceDaily (Feb. 24, 2010) ( — More intelligent people are statistically significantly more likely to exhibit social values and religious and political preferences that are novel to the human species in evolutionary history. Specifically, liberalism and atheism, and for men (but not women), preference for sexual exclusivity correlate with higher intelligence, a new study finds.

    The study, published in the March 2010 issue of the peer-reviewed scientific journal Social Psychology Quarterly, advances a new theory to explain why people form particular preferences and values. The theory suggests that more intelligent people are more likely than less intelligent people to adopt evolutionarily novel preferences and values, but intelligence does not correlate with preferences and values that are old enough to have been shaped by evolution over millions of years."

    "General intelligence, the ability to think and reason, endowed our ancestors with advantages in solving evolutionarily novel problems for which they did not have innate solutions," says Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics and Political Science. "As a result, more intelligent people are more likely to recognize and understand such novel entities and situations than less intelligent people, and some of these entities and situations are preferences, values, and lifestyles."

    Data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) support Kanazawa's hypothesis. Young adults who subjectively identify themselves as "very liberal" have an average IQ of 106 during adolescence while those who identify themselves as "very conservative" have an average IQ of 95 during adolescence.

    Similarly, religion is a byproduct of humans' tendency to perceive agency and intention as causes of events, to see "the hands of God" at work behind otherwise natural phenomena. "Humans are evolutionarily designed to be paranoid, and they believe in God because they are paranoid," says Kanazawa. This innate bias toward paranoia served humans well when self-preservation and protection of their families and clans depended on extreme vigilance to all potential dangers. "So, more intelligent children are more likely to grow up to go against their natural evolutionary tendency to believe in God, and they become atheists."

    I think the last paragraph is a key to why atheists hold out for proof. We've seen time and time again over history where something that has been attributed to the supernatural or a God turned out to be quite natural.

    Likewise questions about the origins of the universe, that today seem utterly mysterious and unanswerable, may one day be resolved and explained within the natural confines.

    Atheists are loathe to latch on to supernatural conclusions when that camp has been proven wrong time and time and time again.

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  • NBA 2k11 New York Knicks (Fan

  • brepublican
    Aug 29, 11:07 AM
    Boo hoo. its a business, waht do they realistically expect?
    Yeah its a business. But you gotta give back to the community. Whats the point in reaping huge profits off consumers then destroying the earth? It's not that drammatic, but if every company were like Apple, it'd definitely not bode well for the environment :mad:

    carmelo anthony and amare stoudemire knicks wallpaper. Amare+stoudemire+knicks+
  • Amare+stoudemire+knicks+

  • gnasher729
    Apr 21, 05:25 PM
    You must live in a alternate univerise if think that Apple users are tech savy. You average user is very happy to have Apple control thier experience, ie they are techtards. And frankly owning an Apple product is the best thing for them, with a PC etc they will just get themselves into trouble.

    As a professional software developer, I can assure you that among people of my profession, the majority use a Macintosh for their private use. In some related professions (product design) it's not the majority, it is everyone. And I'm not not talking about artsy-fartsy type, I am talking about designers who I seriously trust to design products that will pay for my salary for the next few years. In other related professions (QA) I have the impression that more of them use Macs, but that is more anecdotal.

    carmelo anthony and amare stoudemire knicks wallpaper. and carmelo anthony knicks
  • and carmelo anthony knicks

  • henrikmk
    Mar 19, 03:21 AM
    I would be amused if this now leads to increased sales of music on the iTMS. DRM haters and/or Linux users will be allowed to buy music. It probably won't be noticable if they shut off access quickly enough, but it would be interesting. :D

    DRM just doesn't work.

    carmelo anthony and amare stoudemire knicks wallpaper. Amare stoudemire, carmelo
  • Amare stoudemire, carmelo

  • toddybody
    Apr 15, 10:56 AM
    No, they're wrong. Sorry to ruin it for you.:rolleyes:

    Ha ha! I love when people rationalize all their views through scientific/observable fact...and then use the same subjectivity and bias (they ridicule) to judge opinions they disagree with. Sorry friend, you can no more prove that scripture invalid than MacVault can prove it valid. :rolleyes:

    Mar 18, 09:34 AM
    No matter what fine print they include in the contract, they cannot sell an unlimited data plan, and then limit it, in any way.
    Even if your lawyer is somehow able to pull a Harry's Law and convince a court to rule that way, the end result is guaranteed to be that no US wireless carrier will ever offer an unlimited smartphone data plan again.

    Big win.

    Oct 10, 08:13 AM
    Morning all,

    Two things. Guesstimates on release of quad-core Mac Pros (time to upgrade here). And MultiMedia, how do you like the Dell 24" LCDs?


    Taz Mangus
    Apr 20, 08:00 PM
    I live in a country of excess. Excuse me if I don't weep at night because Kanye West or Lil Wayne are missing out on my $1+ for their songs.

    If an artist isn't mainstream, I'll gladly pay for their music to support it. But since my musical tastes tend to gravitate towards major artists, I don't think twice when I torrent their albums.

    Sep 26, 07:08 PM
    Nope, Bernard of course. :D

    DD has helped me out a few times with other things.

    That's what I was thinking about with leapard. I'm glad Apple is finally offering 64-bit gui support. I really didn't see a need for it, but now that these 3D apps are giving OS X the shaft, I'm eagerly awaiting it.

    I would like to try out some of 8's new modeling tools. I'm going to have to wait though, since it's practically full price for an ugprade and I'll be moving to Intel this coming year. I wish Autodesklias had a more affordable upgrade path for small shops. This coming year is going to be expensive and probably buggy.


    Bernard was going to be my 2nd guess. :rolleyes:

    I'm Platinum Member, it's seems with all the upgrades it's cheaper in the end. I'm going to have to slow down and take a look at 8.

    Oct 7, 12:27 PM
    yeah that they were also sure that chicago would get the olympics! It didnt happen...

    Once android gets a grip on apple and its actually at the point where they could have that chance Apple will change the game! Thats just how it goes... There is a reason why so many people stand behind Apple's products....


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